Facts about Human Heart


1. Human heart, also a super motor..!

Facts of human heart

Heartbeat pumps 1 Million barrels of blood,

Which is equal to Three supertankers

also equal to a tap is in open state for 45 years

2. Heart Thumping sound ?

Heart thumping sound

The valves in the heart pulmonary valve, aortic valve

Tricuspid value, Mitral valve Which makes the thumping sound 

Which can be hearable normally.

3. Baby's heartbeat

Baby's heartbeat

When baby starts heart beating ?

After four weeks of conceiving 

Also new newborn babies have fastest heartbeats

4. Favorite day for Heart attack

Heart attack's favorite day

I was surprised, once I get to know about this, But research says

Heart attack's mostly happening in Monday's 

5. Heartbeat rate differs for men and women ?

Heartbeat differs on genders

Yes, it is..!

Average women's heartbeat is more than a men's heartbeat

8 beats faster than men per minute
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