Facts about Love

1. How long it will take to decide a partner ?

The amazing fact is, it will only take 4 mins for a 

partner to take decision to make love or not.

Not faster than Pizza delivery, much more faster than time taken for ordering

a Pizza 😊

2. Women will be more attracted

Study says, a women will easily attracted to a men

when she is not even know whether how much he likes her.

3. Hugs makes lower blood pressure

Sounds may stupid, but the fact is

If you hug your loved once or spouse it tends

to lowers your blood pressure and it will act a 

anti-stress properties, So hug your loved once unconditionally..

4. Crush or love ?

A study says crush only lasts for four months

if you are having crush more than four months, you 

confirm yourself that you already fall in love with them. 

So don't waste time after four months, propose your love and start living 

each and every moments..

5. Breakup with loved one ?

Love will leave memories you can't wipeout.

But also gives more pain than memories, that no one can heal.

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