Unknown facts..!!

Things people should know              

1. Leonardo da Vinci

An Italian with wide knowledge and learning. 

Who is good in drawings, theorist, sculptor etc.. 

Who could write with one hand and draw pictures with other hand 

at the same time.

2. Microsoft 

Have you heard your heartbeat and bone grinding sounds louder ?

Microsoft provides you that

Technology behind microsoft's quietest room is Anechoic chamber (i.e) 

Anechoic chamber is  a room designed to absorb reflections of sounds completely 

The noise level measured inside is -20.3dBA, Average human can hear 0dB

3. Traffic jam

How long you stuck with traffic jam ?

What if you stuck in traffic jam for 10 days ?

Yes, It happened in Beijing, China at August 2010

Duration 10 days, 100 KM Long 

Thank god you are not there at the time 😀

4. Does Chicken beats human beings ?

Every year 46 billion broilers (approx) chickens are slaughtered for meat

Obviously more chicken than humans

5. Jeep 

Actual name of the jeep is G.P or General purpose vehicle

Jeep is just a abbreviation of that.


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